

Frequently Asked Questions about Testosterone Replacement Therapy with Low T 99

Q: What are some of the symptoms of low testosterone, also called “Low T”?

A: Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the human body. It is mainly produced in the testicles in men. It stimulates sperm production and a man’s sex drive and also helps build muscle and bone mass.Testosterone production typically decreases as men age. Men can experience a range of symptoms if it decreases more than it should. Low T is diagnosed when levels fall below a normal range (300- 1000 ng/dL, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration – other scales may vary). A blood test (called serum testosterone level) is used to determine your level of circulating testosterone.
A range of symptoms can occur if testosterone production drastically drops. Signs of low T (also called hypogonadism) are often subtle and can be mistaken for a natural part of aging.

Many men with low testosterone may experience symptoms such as:

    • Fatigue
    • Loss of sex drive
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Depression or low mood
    • Loss of muscle mass and gain of fat mass
    • Low sense of overall wellness
    • Erectile dysfunction

The only way to tell if you are truly low testosterone, however, is to have proper blood work done by a medical professional.

Q: How is low testosterone treated?
A: There are many delivery methods for testosterone replacement. Patches, pills, pellets, and oral medications have all been used with varying levels of success. The gold standard in testosterone replacement, however,  is still considered to be intramuscular injections of testosterone. If you are diagnosed as low T, testosterone injections are the best and most exacting way to bring your T levels into the normal range.

Q: What if I’m afraid of needles?
A: There are options if you, like many men, are less than excited about using needles to inject your medication. Speak with your Low T 99 physician about needle-free options!

Q: How long until I feel the effects of testosterone replacement?
A: Just like any medical condition, treatment results vary. That being said, once a man is diagnosed as low T and started on therapy, he will commonly start to feel and see changes in his body around 8-12 weeks. In my clinical experience, I see it happen sooner than that, but this is a good estimate.

Q: What is your privacy policy?
A: See this link for Low T 99’s privacy policy.

Q: What kinds of health risks are associated with testosterone replacement therapy?
A: Just as with any medication or medical treatment there are inherent risks, however, it is important to remember that there is already testosterone present in the male body. Our treatments are designed to bring testosterone levels to where they once were at more vital times in a man’s life. Speak your Low T 99 doctor for more information specific to you and your concerns. Some examples of health risks which may be related to testosterone use:

  • Cardiovascular health: The current research on testosterone and risk of cardiovascular events is conflicting and contradictory. Unfortunately, the quality of the research, delivery method of testosterone, and populations studied all vary, which doesn’t leave any clear answer and long term data is not yet available. There is good data to support an increase in risk of heart attack and stroke in men with severe low T, however.
    • That being said, anyone, including patients using testosterone, should seek medical attention immediately if symptoms of a heart attack or a stroke are present, such as:
      • Chest pain
      • Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
      • Weakness in one part or one side of the body
      • Slurred speech
  • Read more in this article reviewing current research on Testosterone: http://www.webmd.com/men/news/20140717/testosterone-heart-attacks-q-and-a
  • Polycythemia (increased number of red blood cells) can occur in a man on testosterone. The body creates more red blood cells which can be helpful, to a point. At some point, if the body creates too many red blood cells, theoretically, it can cause the blood to be thick or viscous which can increase the risk for cardiovascular events. Research does not support a link between testosterone therapy and an increase in stroke or clot due to this condition. Regardless, an increase in red blood cells is easy to treat and one of the reasons why men on testosterone therapy need regular blood tests to maintain health and wellness.
  • Other uncommon side effects have been seen with testosterone replacement. Speak with your provider for more information.

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