What is testosterone?
Do you have 1-2 minutes right now to see if you might have Low-T? Answer 10 simple standardized questions to gain clinical insights about your male hormone health called the ADAM questionnaire.
Low Testosterone Therapy Providers
LowT99 Telehealth Medical Doctors
LowT99 Testosterone Therapy Process
3 Step Medical Plan
-Accepting New Patients | No Insurance Required-
Get Blood Work
( At a Labcorp near you )
Telemedical Visit
(via Zoom on Your Phone)

Men’s Telehealth brand, LowT99 is a full hormone evaluation by a certified physician who prescribes hormone replacement medication or proposes lifestyle adjustments to help American men accomplish their weight reduction goals and performance. – Read the Full Article
LowT99 Low Testosterone Treatment Available Nation Wide
LowT99’s skilled men’s health providers are available to assist you online at home from clinics in the following states:

- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Florida
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Texas
- Washington
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
For men suffering from a testosterone deficiency the benefits of increasing your testosterone levels include:
Healthy heart & blood
Less fat, more muscle
Stronger libido
Decreased mental fog
Stronger bones
Improved mood
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a natural hormone produced by a man’s body. In our prime men’s testosterone
production is high, which can alter muscle mass, hair growth, and libido, or sex drive.
It’s not atypical for a man’s testosterone levels to drop as we get older. Low testosterone levels,
clinically known as hypogonadism, can cause a number of difficult symptoms for men.
Low Testosterone Symptoms
When a man’s body has a low level of testosterone, the symptoms might damage his
relationships and work performance, as well as lead to chronic health issues. The male sex
hormone, testosterone, has many important functions, including the development of the bones
and muscles, hair growth, and other key men’s health factors.
Men who suffer from low T often report any combination of the following symptoms:
- Weight Gain
- Irritability
- Hair loss
- Decreased sexual ability and drive
- Memory loss
- Muscle loss
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems
- Urinary problems
- Depression
Men also experience trouble achieving and maintaining erections during sexual stimulation, as well as a decline in erections overnight (morning wood). Worse yet, men who don’t treat low testosterone are more likely to find that the common ED Treatments available, such as the little blue pill, won’t work at all. If your love life is anything less than satisfactory, the doctors at LowT99 can help you achieve more and wave goodbye to impotence.
What Are Low Testosterone Levels?
Understanding Your Testosterone Test Results
In men, the lower normal limit for testosterone is around 300 nanograms per deciliter, whereas the upper normal limit is around 1000-1200 ng/dl.

Testosterone levels can change drastically throughout the day; and are directly affected by your sleep at night. While you sleep, your body prepares for the next day by making more Testosterone. That is why your testosterone levels are most significant right away in the morning- and why under the best of circumstances men experience morning wood.
Want to learn more about sleep cycles and testosterone? Ask us your questions online by clicking here.
Low Testosterone Causes
Male hypogonadism, or low T, occurs when the testicles do not produce enough of the hormone testosterone.
Low testosterone can be caused by a variety of factors, and our doctors can help you with blood tests and, if necessary, referrals to experts for additional testing.
Trying to figure out what’s causing your low testosterone is crucial because it will help you figure out what kind of testosterone therapy will work best for you. It can also assist us in focusing on any other medical concerns we may have, such as diabetes.
Does Low T Cause Anxiety?

Male hypogonadism, or low T, occurs when the testicles do not produce enough of the hormone testosterone. Low testosterone can be caused by a variety of factors, and our doctors can help you with blood tests and, if necessary, referrals to experts for additional testing. Trying to figure out what’s causing your low testosterone is crucial because it will help you figure out what kind of testosterone therapy will work best for you. It can also assist us in focusing on any other medical concerns we may have, such as diabetes.

Some of the symptoms of low T are also stress symptoms. Learn how stress and low T may be linked, as well as what you can do to help online with the expert guidance of a Low T Doctor near you. Causality differs from association. There isn’t a lot of evidence that stress lowers testosterone and even less evidence that stress reduction raises testosterone. Having said that, we do know that both acute and chronic stress have physiological consequences. As a result, reducing stress may aid in the treatment of low testosterone symptoms such as libido, energy, and depression. But when you have Low T, the most effective thing to do is talk with a doctor and get started on the best hormone replacement therapy. And I happen to have a free appointment slot!
Click the button now to get started:
Getting Low T Help Is Convenient
1. Make An Appointment
(Just $99!)
2. Get Blood Work
(at any Labcorp near you)
3. Telemedical Visit
(via Zoom on your phone)
HRT - TRT LowT99 Payment and billing information
How much does testosterone cost?
Inclusive Package
from Just
$357 every 3 months*
- Physician Management
- Testosterone (up to 10 ml)
- Anastrozole
- Blood Work (Bi-annually)
- Add enclomiphene for only $30
Can I afford hormone replacement treatment?
Does LowT99 accept insurance?
Low T Is A Real Problem For Men - LowT99 Has A Real Solution
As the saying goes, “Hard times make hard men.” But research suggests that one out of four
men have low testosterone levels by their thirtieth birthday- and only one out of every twenty
men actually get the help they need before it’s too late. Without early recognition and treatment,
low-T can cause infertility and destroy any man’s full potential to live a confident and competent
life. Some may speculate that the economic decline or millennial affluence is to blame- but the
truth is far worse.
Learn More about what’s trending in HRT management in our FAQs section.
Attention Men- We Need To Talk About Our Testosterone
Many men are amazed to learn that testosterone Replacement Therapy – TRT- for men’s health and vitality is less than a century-old narrative. For most men, the first and last time that testosterone is discussed was during elementary health class. Testosterone replacement therapy was the predominant Erectile Dysfunction -ED treatment administered to men concurrently with marriage counseling for two decades before to the release of Viagra. As a result, Low T became linked with male virility and sexual function— a taboo topic. As a result of not discussing LowT, many men don’t know where to find help. Rather than bounce between primary care providers and specialists aimlessly or ask for directions, hard men become a stereotype and suffer in complete silence.
Men, we should talk about it.
Call us now to take charge of the conversation- Call 833-333-5698 or send us your questions online using our verified and secure form below.